Sponsoring Packages
Gold Sponsor: 10,000 EUR
- Benefits:
- Big size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
https://github.com/Igalia/webengineshackfest/wiki/#sponsors - Big size company logo at the beginning and end of any video published related to the hackfest:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPQ8NaRSfsGei1j1meO4pNg - Company will be listed as sponsor in all the hackfest communications: announcement, piece of news, posts, etc.
- Big size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
Silver Sponsor: 5,000 EUR
- Benefits:
- Medium size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
https://github.com/Igalia/webengineshackfest/wiki/#sponsors - Medium size company logo at the end of any video published related to the hackfest:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPQ8NaRSfsGei1j1meO4pNg - Company will be listed as sponsor in all the hackfest communications: announcement, piece of news, posts, etc.
- Medium size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
Bronze Sponsor: 2,000 EUR
- Benefits:
- Small size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
https://github.com/Igalia/webengineshackfest/wiki/#sponsors - Company will be listed as sponsor in all the hackfest communications: announcement, piece of news, posts, etc.
- Small size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
Lunch Sponsor: 6,000 EUR
- Description: Provide lunch for people attending the hackfest.
- Benefits:
- Special mention about company sponsoring lunch.
- Some signage with company logo during lunch.
- Small size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
Coffee & Snacks Sponsor: 3,000 EUR (SOLD)
- Description: Provide coffee & snacks for people attending the hackfest.
- Benefits:
- Special mention about company sponsoring coffee & snacks.
- Some signage with company logo on the cofeee & snacks tables.
- Small size company logo in the hackfest website and wiki:
Prices shown include VAT.